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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
     In 1927, Werner Heisenberg came up with his principle of uncertainty. He claimed subatomic world is not same as the macroscopic world we live in and Classical or Newtonian mechanics didn’t make sense in subatomic world. He along with many other physicists such as Max Planck, Erwin Schödinger etc. is considered to be the founder of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics can be explained as a theory of subatomic world which behaves like Classical or Newtonian mechanics when applied to the macroscopic world.
     Heisenberg proposed that the process of observation itself disturbs the system; in other words we cannot determine any quantity without disturbing the system. This means that it is impossible to determine the values of physical quantities such as position and momentum without disturbing the system. If we have to measure the position of a particle, we have to disturb the system. If we disturb the system, we cannot find the momentum of the particle with great precision. This led Heisenberg to propose the following:
     “One cannot determine both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously with any arbitrary precision. This has nothing to with the limitations of the instrument.”
Mathematically it can be written down as:
     Here, Δx is uncertainty in position of the particle and Δp is uncertainty in momentum of the particle. From the above relation we can understand that if we accurately know anyone of the two values (Δx or Δp) we will have no idea about the other value. This means if Δx=0 then Δp=∞.
Now we will discuss a proof for the Uncertainty principle. Heisenberg proposed that uncertainty principle can be proved true with help of classical optics. The following paragraph shows argument put forward by Heisenberg in support to his principle.
     Heisenberg proposed a hypothetical microscope with where the electron at focus is illuminated by gamma ray photons. The resolving power of this microscope will be equal to the uncertainty of position of the electron. Mathematically: (here 2α is the angle made by the electron at focus with the lens.)
     Now we will relate the momentum of photons of gamma ray and that of the electron at focus. We know from classical mechanics that sum of momentum of photons and that of electron at focus is constant.
     As photons hit the electron, momenta are going to be related. We can say that only if we know the momentum of photon accurately we can determine momentum of electron accurately. If we know the momentum of photon approximately, we can determine momentum of electron approximately. The relation between these uncertainties in momentum can be mathematically expressed as:
Δpγ Δpe
     Let’s assume that the photon which gets scattered after hitting the electron at focus enters the lens of microscope with some angle θ. As mentioned before, 2α is the angle made by the electron at focus with the lens. Then θ lies between angles – α and + α. Using mathematics we can say that the component of momentum along the axis of position of electron is a value which lies between –h(sinα)/λ and +h(sinα)/λ. This can be represented as:
Δpγ=2h(sinα)/λ= Δpe                     à(i)
We know that:
Δx= λ/2sinα                                    à(ii)
When we substitute (ii) in (i) we get the following:
Δx Δp h
The above equation is the mathematical representation of Uncertainty Principle.
     We don’t experience Uncertainty in our day to day life because the value of ħ/2 is too small to have any significant effect to macroscopic objects. As mentioned in the very first paragraph of this post “Quantum Mechanics can be explained as a theory of subatomic world which behaves like Classical or Newtonian mechanics when applied to the macroscopic world.” Uncertainty principle’s effects become negligible in our macroscopic world.
     Though it one of the most accepted and popular principle in modern physics (Quantum Physics), question has been raised against it. Recently physicists have published papers trying to prove violation of uncertainty principle and a report on violation of Uncertainty principle is there in the link mentioned below:


  1. woah! is there any uncertainty for time? cuz i have heard that they use ceasium 133 atoms to find time but is there any uncertainity? like this?

  2. Yes Nithan S, an uncertainty principle holds for time and energy which mathematically is defined as ΔEΔt≥ħ/2
