Thursday 14 April 2016

The future universe

"What is going to happen?” is something everyone of us are interested in. All of us want to know what is future. By All I also mean science lovers. Science lovers are interested in finding the future of universe, I mean the ultimate fate of universe.
Our scientists are working on it. According to them the Ultimate fate can be determined by three values:
          1. The rate at which our universe expands. This is called Hubble’s constant. It was named after famous astronomer Hubble who actually measured the expansion of the universe.
               Here we must also discuss about Metric Expansion of Space. It refers to the increase in distance between two distant parts of the universe with time. We can say the scale itself changes with time.

          2.  Density Parameter  (Omega) or the average density of matter in our universe.
               Ω = Ω­m + rel + Ωλ
                    Total Density Parameter is the sum of  total mass density of ordinary and dark matter and total density of relativistic particles such as photon and neutrinos and effective mass density of dark energy.

          3.  Lambda or the cosmological constant of our universe. This term was introduced by Albert Einstein in 1917. 
One thing we must understand is that omega which is density of matter can also be defined in terms of gravity (as the gravitational force is determined by mass of the body).  Now let us look at few possible scenarios taking lambda to be about zero:

          1.  Omega greater than one
          This means that there is sufficient matter in universe to generate enough energy to reverse the cosmological expansion of universe. This means universe will start shrinking. Let's name this big crunch.
          It has also been observed that if this is the case the curvature of universe is negative, something similar to a saddle and space and time are infinite. Such a universe is called open.

          2.  Omega less than one
          This means that there isn't sufficient matter in our universe to reverse the cosmological expansion. This means universe will expand forever. As universe keeps expanding the temperature will start falling. Hence the ultimate fate of universe will be big freeze or big chill.
          It has also been observed that if this is the case the curvature of universe is positive, something similar to a sphere and space and time are finite. Such an universe is called closed.
          3.  Omega exactly equal to one

          If omega is equal to one then universe is flat and will expand forever. However the matter present in universe is just sufficient enough to maintain the temperature, not leading to big freeze.


  1. Thanks, for knowledge you explain it very clear and Thank you all great Scientists, for the theories.

  2. Einstein answered this question and was wrong. The fate of the universe is something that can and will be determined by our ability to perceive it. Our present way of looking at it, and understanding it is an expression of our culture. Science may provide the answer, perhaps the imagination. Perhaps something else.

  3. This explanation is good however these explanations are already there in several books. And Inflation theory given by MIT Professor Allan Guth etc suggests that universe will expand forever. A good book for details for public written by Prof Brian greene is "The fabric of Cosmos.
