Saturday 12 December 2015


Friends i and my friends have started a blog called "Multiverse Theory".
As the title says its about a theory called multiverse and we will update the blog with our researches. I would be pleased if you people cooperate and also let us know your suggestions as comments on the posts.
We will start to update it by next week and would be waiting for you people to take a look at it. SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOMED!


  1. The scientifically correct title is 'Multiverse Hypothesis'... It lacks falsifiability, ergo should be termed hypothesis...

  2. Thank you Ahmad shaykh for your comment :) ! We are trying to theorise it hence we have named it this way ! We are looking forward for ur support! Thank you.

  3. I chatted up one of your bloggers on Facebook. He said you're using neither String Theory/M Theory nor Many World Interpretation to validify your theory. Waiting for your first post...

  4. It's nice to know that you are looking forward to it Ahmad Shaykh! Thank you and we hope to get as much as support as possible!;)

  5. U are going to explain theories but remember to create your own theory and take our suggestion to make your theory better. And when explaining something explain each and every point in detail to make it understand to everybody.

  6. Sure Bhagyadeep Pawaskar! hope we enjoy your support

  7. Thank you! We will take input and do the necessary
