Friday 1 January 2016

Model Of Universe

First of all... Happy new year to all!

All of us have seen a bubble. It is something very common in nature. What is a bubble? A Bubble is an ellipsoid, which is usually a sphere. Its layer is made usually by a soap solution and encloses gas. You may think why I am talking about bubbles here in a blog dedicated to Multiverse. The answer is a gas bubble can be interpreted with Universe.

Universe is also bubble-like which is expanding. Think of filling air into a balloon, it is something like that. The Universe is also expanding like that balloon in which we blow air. The balloon expands in a particular rate similarly Universe too expands at a given rate which is  74.3 plus or minus 2.1 kilometers (46.2 plus or minus 1.3 miles) per second per mega parsec (a mega parsec is roughly 3 million light-years). [value from ]

This interpretation of comparing Universe with a bubble was first done by Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientist of all time. He called Universe as an expanding bubble. Later science developed and an idea of multiverse arose in which scientists believed that there is a possibility if existing of more than one bubble (universe). It was believed that Big Bang occurs when Two independent bubbles merges or a bubble splits into two independent bubbles.

We are saying that more than one universe exist but the interaction between universe is not what gives rise to the phenomena called big bang. We will discuss about it in upcoming posts. 

Meet you people soon in next post and would be pleased to see your comments and opinion about this topic.